Individual Design Plan for Online Learning   INSTRUCTIONS: Use the table to describe the learning environment, the unit overview and the designed/redesigned lesson.  The lesson will be broken down into learning activities or tasks. A minimum of three activities are required in this plan. The left column provides a writing prompt for each component of your project.  Use the right column for your response.   Part One: Describe the Characteristics of the Learning Environment ·         Grade Level(s): Adult Learners (Teachers) ·         Blended or Fully Online: Fully Online ·         Learner Characteristics: New Teachers ·         Accommodations Needed for  Diverse Learners: Website, Handouts, Videos for instruction, Screen casts, images, review screen reader abilities ·         Technology (Hardware/software) Using either Google Sites, or Webflow.  Screen-Cast-Omatic.  Google forms/docs ·         Other:   Part Two: Provide a General Overview of the Unit of Instruction ·         Content Area of the Unit: Familiarize new staff with technology used by district ·         Topic/Title of the Unit: Cedar Falls New Staff Technology Orientation ·         Expected Length of the Unit: 3 hours + (more advanced options will be available for those who seek them out) ·         Brief Summary of the Unit: Unit will cover introduction into Cedar Falls technology systems available to staff (computer, network, Google, Infinite Campus, Helpdesk, etc…) ·         Relevant Content Standard(s) for the Unit: Content Standards based on ISTE Standards for Teachers to be addressed in this unit are:   1.       Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity:  Standards C & D 2.       Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments:  Standards C & D 3.       Model digital age work and learning:  Standards A & B   ·         Relevant ISTE Technology Standard(s) for the Unit ISTE Standards for Teachers ·         Prior Knowledge, Skills, and/or Dispositions Required of the Learners for this Unit: Minimal technology skills, basic understanding of computer operation. ·         Learner Outcomes Expected from the Unit: Outcomes expected from the unit are to familiarize all staff with the basic technology tools and systems used by the district.  Getting staff comfortable in using and navigating these systems will improve their productivity as well as reduce unnecessary downtime, confusion and frustration that occurs when staff are not properly trained.  ·         How will this unit of instruction meet the Quality Matters™ Standards? The unit will have a in person intro and overview, stated learning objectives, assessment and measurement tools, instructional materials provided, individual and collaborative activities, use of technology, support provided for learners via feedback and email options and support multiple platforms and provide instruction through various forms of media.  ·         Other:   Part Three: Provide a General Overview of the Lesson ·         Briefly Describe this Lesson: The lessons will give a basic level of knowledge to new staff on systems used by the district.  After the lesson students should be able to demonstrate basic competency in each of these systems.  Staff will have the opportunity to collaborate on some activities with other new members of the group for team building experiences.  Assessments and feedback will be collected which will be used to gauge student levels of knowledge as well as make refinements and improvements to the lessons for future use.  More advanced options will be added to the system for those staff that want to pursue them. ·         Specific Learning Objective Statements for this Lesson: ·         Staff Computer – After instruction students will be demonstrate their knowledge on: o    Identifying ports and their function o    Connecting a secondary monitor or projector o    Checking for a faulty battery or charger o    Burning a CD o    Caring for their computer ·         Logging on to the network/wireless system o    Logging on to their staff computer o    Changing their password o    Connecting to the staff wireless o    Identifying network access issues ·         Google Apps o    Gmail §  Composing a message §  Replying to a message §  Browsing and adding contacts §  Using spellcheck §  Filtering messages/organizing o    Calendar §  Accessing calendar §  Creating an event §  Responding to a meeting request §  Creating a new calendar §  Sharing a calendar §  Creating appointment slots o    Docs (Sheets and Forms will be handled later) §  Doc creation §  Formatting §  Spell Check §  Sharing §  Collaborating §  Commenting o    Sites §  Creating a site §  Naming a site §  Choosing a district template §  Adding Content §  Sharing §  Collaborating §  Accessing the published site ·         Infinite Campus o    Accessing Infinite Campus o    Changing passwords o    Navigating the system o    Attendance o    Lunch Count –Elementary o    Grading – Secondary o    Discipline – Secondary ·         Web Help Desk o    Accessing Help Desk o    Creating a ticket o    Adding appropriate information o    Responding to tech notes on ticket ·         What higher order thinking skills are expected in this Lesson: Many of the tasks will be based in the lower level of Knowledge, Comprehension and Application of Bloom’s taxonomy.  When students begin the tasks of creating and collaborating on Google Sites and Docs and setting up their Grade Book in Infinite Campus they will begin to apply higher order thinking skills that will employ Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation. ·         Describe the Instructional Approach(s) in this Lesson: The instructional approach in this lesson is to let students learn by having hands on activities through guided instruction. ·         Required Instructional Materials for the Lesson: ·         Handout containing information for accessing materials and brief description ·         Website containing materials and lessons ·         Documentation on systems ·         Videos/screencast demonstrations   ·         How will Students Engage and Interact with the Content, Other Learners and the Instructor in this Lesson: ·         Students will have in person instruction prior to accessing site and materials as well as introductions. ·         Students will access website and materials and do a self-guided training and complete post unit assessments ·         Pre-Assessments will be administered to all students ·         Based on strengths and weaknesses per results of pre-assessments, students will be grouped for collaborative activities during some units to foster team building ·         Feedback will be collected from students through reflections ·         Instructors will provide email contact for student follow up if necessary ·         Describe Your Assessment Strategies for the Lesson: ·         Pre-Assessment survey to gauge prior learner knowledge ·         Unit assessments ·         Reflections on activities ·         Required Technology Tools for this Lesson: ·         Staff computer -Learner ·         Website - Instructor ·         Webcam (recordings) - Instructor ·         Screen capture program - Instructor ·         Other:   Part Four:  Specific Learning Activities in this Lesson In the left column identify each learning task required to complete the lesson.  In the right column describe the instructional strategy and instructional tool(s) needed to complete the lesson.  Insert additional rows as needed. ·         Intro In person introduction to school technology, learning environment and expectations.  Staff handout given.  Q&A time allowed. ·         Your Staff Computer Visual and textual description of new staff laptop and the function each area performs.  Post-assessment and reflection will be given. ·         Logging on to the network/wireless system Visual and textual description as well as step by step instructions including screen shots and video instruction for logging into the schools network, changing passwords, accessing wireless with staff ID.  Individual staff credentials will be given to each member during intro with handout.  Post-assessment and reflection will be given. ·         Google Apps Visual and textual description as well as step by step instructions including screen shots and video instruction for accessing Google including Gmail, Calendar, Drive and Sites will be given.  Assigned teams will collaborate on sharing and modifying docs and building a basic Google site.  Individual staff credentials will be given to each member during intro with handout.  Post-assessment and reflection will be given. ·         Infinite Campus Visual and textual description as well as step by step instructions including screen shots and video instruction for accessing Infinite Campus will be given.  Elementary staff will receive special instruction on completing lunch counts and attendance for students.  Secondary staff will receive special instruction for completing attendance, grades and discipline records for students.    Individual staff credentials will be given to each member during intro with handout.  Post-assessment and reflection will be given. ·         Web Help Desk Visual and textual description as well as step by step instructions including screen shots and video instruction for accessing Web Help Desk will be given.  All staff will receive instruction on creating a trouble ticket, putting correct information in the ticket and responding to follow up questions from district technicians. Individual staff credentials will be given to each member during intro with handout.  Post-assessment and reflection will be given. Part Five: Reflection on Learning ·         How will your learners reflect on their learning experience? At the end of each lesson, staff will be given the opportunity to reflect on what was learned as well as give feedback that will be collected for future use. ·         How will the instructor reflect on the learning experience? Instructors will meet and discuss staff reflections and make future modifications.  When necessary instructors will reach out to learners for further clarification on comments if necessary. ·         What are your reflections on completing this design plan for online learning? This assignment has allowed me to further clarify the reasons for doing lesson plans in a certain format.  Additionally many design considerations and new components will be added to our existing training site to improve student learning and collect better feedback for future modifications.     Revised 5-28-15 AM
Individual Design Plan for Online Learning   INSTRUCTIONS: Use the table to describe the learning environment, the unit overview and the designed/redesigned lesson.  The lesson will be broken down into learning activities or tasks. A minimum of three activities are required in this plan. The left column provides a writing prompt for each component of your project.  Use the right column for your response.   Part One: Describe the Characteristics of the Learning Environment ·         Grade Level(s): Adult Learners (Teachers) ·         Blended or Fully Online: Fully Online ·         Learner Characteristics: New Teachers ·         Accommodations Needed for  Diverse Learners: Website, Handouts, Videos for instruction, Screen casts, images, review screen reader abilities ·         Technology (Hardware/software) Using either Google Sites, or Webflow.  Screen-Cast-Omatic.  Google forms/docs ·         Other:   Part Two: Provide a General Overview of the Unit of Instruction ·         Content Area of the Unit: Familiarize new staff with technology used by district ·         Topic/Title of the Unit: Cedar Falls New Staff Technology Orientation ·         Expected Length of the Unit: 3 hours + (more advanced options will be available for those who seek them out) ·         Brief Summary of the Unit: Unit will cover introduction into Cedar Falls technology systems available to staff (computer, network, Google, Infinite Campus, Helpdesk, etc…) ·         Relevant Content Standard(s) for the Unit: Content Standards based on ISTE Standards for Teachers to be addressed in this unit are:   1.       Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity:  Standards C & D 2.       Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments:  Standards C & D 3.       Model digital age work and learning:  Standards A & B   ·         Relevant ISTE Technology Standard(s) for the Unit ISTE Standards for Teachers ·         Prior Knowledge, Skills, and/or Dispositions Required of the Learners for this Unit: Minimal technology skills, basic understanding of computer operation. ·         Learner Outcomes Expected from the Unit: Outcomes expected from the unit are to familiarize all staff with the basic technology tools and systems used by the district.  Getting staff comfortable in using and navigating these systems will improve their productivity as well as reduce unnecessary downtime, confusion and frustration that occurs when staff are not properly trained.  ·         How will this unit of instruction meet the Quality Matters™ Standards? The unit will have a in person intro and overview, stated learning objectives, assessment and measurement tools, instructional materials provided, individual and collaborative activities, use of technology, support provided for learners via feedback and email options and support multiple platforms and provide instruction through various forms of media.  ·         Other:   Part Three: Provide a General Overview of the Lesson ·         Briefly Describe this Lesson: The lessons will give a basic level of knowledge to new staff on systems used by the district.  After the lesson students should be able to demonstrate basic competency in each of these systems.  Staff will have the opportunity to collaborate on some activities with other new members of the group for team building experiences.  Assessments and feedback will be collected which will be used to gauge student levels of knowledge as well as make refinements and improvements to the lessons for future use.  More advanced options will be added to the system for those staff that want to pursue them. ·         Specific Learning Objective Statements for this Lesson: ·         Staff Computer – After instruction students will be demonstrate their knowledge on: o    Identifying ports and their function o    Connecting a secondary monitor or projector o    Checking for a faulty battery or charger o    Burning a CD o    Caring for their computer ·         Logging on to the network/wireless system o    Logging on to their staff computer o    Changing their password o    Connecting to the staff wireless o    Identifying network access issues ·         Google Apps o    Gmail §  Composing a message §  Replying to a message §  Browsing and adding contacts §  Using spellcheck §  Filtering messages/organizing o    Calendar §  Accessing calendar §  Creating an event §  Responding to a meeting request §  Creating a new calendar §  Sharing a calendar §  Creating appointment slots o    Docs (Sheets and Forms will be handled later) §  Doc creation §  Formatting §  Spell Check §  Sharing §  Collaborating §  Commenting o    Sites §  Creating a site §  Naming a site §  Choosing a district template §  Adding Content §  Sharing §  Collaborating §  Accessing the published site ·         Infinite Campus o    Accessing Infinite Campus o    Changing passwords o    Navigating the system o    Attendance o    Lunch Count –Elementary o    Grading – Secondary o    Discipline – Secondary ·         Web Help Desk o    Accessing Help Desk o    Creating a ticket o    Adding appropriate information o    Responding to tech notes on ticket ·         What higher order thinking skills are expected in this Lesson: Many of the tasks will be based in the lower level of Knowledge, Comprehension and Application of Bloom’s taxonomy.  When students begin the tasks of creating and collaborating on Google Sites and Docs and setting up their Grade Book in Infinite Campus they will begin to apply higher order thinking skills that will employ Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation. ·         Describe the Instructional Approach(s) in this Lesson: The instructional approach in this lesson is to let students learn by having hands on activities through guided instruction. ·         Required Instructional Materials for the Lesson: ·         Handout containing information for accessing materials and brief description ·         Website containing materials and lessons ·         Documentation on systems ·         Videos/screencast demonstrations   ·         How will Students Engage and Interact with the Content, Other Learners and the Instructor in this Lesson: ·         Students will have in person instruction prior to accessing site and materials as well as introductions. ·         Students will access website and materials and do a self-guided training and complete post unit assessments ·         Pre-Assessments will be administered to all students ·         Based on strengths and weaknesses per results of pre-assessments, students will be grouped for collaborative activities during some units to foster team building ·         Feedback will be collected from students through reflections ·         Instructors will provide email contact for student follow up if necessary ·         Describe Your Assessment Strategies for the Lesson: ·         Pre-Assessment survey to gauge prior learner knowledge ·         Unit assessments ·         Reflections on activities ·         Required Technology Tools for this Lesson: ·         Staff computer -Learner ·         Website - Instructor ·         Webcam (recordings) - Instructor ·         Screen capture program - Instructor ·         Other:   Part Four:  Specific Learning Activities in this Lesson In the left column identify each learning task required to complete the lesson.  In the right column describe the instructional strategy and instructional tool(s) needed to complete the lesson.  Insert additional rows as needed. ·         Intro In person introduction to school technology, learning environment and expectations.  Staff handout given.  Q&A time allowed. ·         Your Staff Computer Visual and textual description of new staff laptop and the function each area performs.  Post-assessment and reflection will be given. ·         Logging on to the network/wireless system Visual and textual description as well as step by step instructions including screen shots and video instruction for logging into the schools network, changing passwords, accessing wireless with staff ID.  Individual staff credentials will be given to each member during intro with handout.  Post-assessment and reflection will be given. ·         Google Apps Visual and textual description as well as step by step instructions including screen shots and video instruction for accessing Google including Gmail, Calendar, Drive and Sites will be given.  Assigned teams will collaborate on sharing and modifying docs and building a basic Google site.  Individual staff credentials will be given to each member during intro with handout.  Post-assessment and reflection will be given. ·         Infinite Campus Visual and textual description as well as step by step instructions including screen shots and video instruction for accessing Infinite Campus will be given.  Elementary staff will receive special instruction on completing lunch counts and attendance for students.  Secondary staff will receive special instruction for completing attendance, grades and discipline records for students.    Individual staff credentials will be given to each member during intro with handout.  Post-assessment and reflection will be given. ·         Web Help Desk Visual and textual description as well as step by step instructions including screen shots and video instruction for accessing Web Help Desk will be given.  All staff will receive instruction on creating a trouble ticket, putting correct information in the ticket and responding to follow up questions from district technicians. Individual staff credentials will be given to each member during intro with handout.  Post-assessment and reflection will be given. Part Five: Reflection on Learning ·         How will your learners reflect on their learning experience? At the end of each lesson, staff will be given the opportunity to reflect on what was learned as well as give feedback that will be collected for future use. ·         How will the instructor reflect on the learning experience? Instructors will meet and discuss staff reflections and make future modifications.  When necessary instructors will reach out to learners for further clarification on comments if necessary. ·         What are your reflections on completing this design plan for online learning? This assignment has allowed me to further clarify the reasons for doing lesson plans in a certain format.  Additionally many design considerations and new components will be added to our existing training site to improve student learning and collect better feedback for future modifications.     Revised 5-28-15 AM
Tab 1
Tab 2
Tab 3